terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012


You were the of my life
but I did'n'stand see you
i stand tremoling without reason for spEAk.
i that time i could not look you
it was only tHose time without
(power) express myseft

ALUNO: Luan Rômulo de Melo 1ºE

when i was little i liked to rum
i ran like the winD .
i Ran wIThOut stop
but new i passion bagAN groW it was.
soccer i quit the rance i istarted to train
rained  as skin it was a great player 
           played nonstop

ALUNO: Wellington da Silva Luiz

one monday I went to play football
in a field near my house,
whe I arrived there, the goal
was broken, then went for 
my house and I went to sleep

ALUNO: Andeson de oliveira sousa

last sunday I went to a 
party  with my boyfriend then i saw my friends that I didn't 
see then I greeted them and I went home.


yesterdy i sAw my boyfriend he led me 
to the bus stop and i spent the day studing.
at 4:30 went honse .

Rayssa priscilla 

Last Sunday i went to the church with my Friends,later i went the a snack bar, i left to celebrate the father's day with my family and went back home.  

Studant: Roberto José
1º ano-E

Yesterday was a very cheerful day only was not betler because you was not wIth me . If you were all would be perfect but sinCe you were mob . I was imagining your smille as . I wanted you with .

Aluna : Viviane Bezerra 

on sunday i went to shopping 
it was very good very funny 
i went with my boyfriend my mother  and with 
my sister. from there we went to the cinema 
and later  the pizzeria i liked it lot.
 Aluna: Maria diana 

I went to the shopping. I ate many hamburgers
. I talked very much with my friends, i went lot for my house in the Other day i went
to my aunt's house o and i talked very much.

Aluna: Leticia Costa

I took my hat, laid in my head and I left my house. I forgot the car key and I went back to take it.
I took it and I went to school. When I arrived, I remembered that it was sunday.

Aluna: Isabel Soares.

I went on sunday to the bach.
 and it wos very good i met my friends and we talked and we had fien. on sunday it was wonderful talks.

yesterday morning i went to
talk with some boys
i had not seen a lot of time
l realized the time aproximate
end separate people

aluno; Bruno francisco serie : 1E

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